(602) 492 - 1483
(602) 492 - 1483
Phoenix Barcode was started in 2014. The owner has been the industry since 2000 working for several local companies before opening Phoenix Barcode. We are a small family based business with the know how of a large company.
We give attention to customer detail. You wont be a number and wont be lost amongst the crowd. Our answers are honest and straight forward without making promises we cannot keep.
We have factory training in several manufacturers including Intermec, Teklogix/Psion, Metrologics, PSC, Hypercom, Verifone, Epson, and Emax.
We are not limited to those brands and have experience in and can work on Zebra, Motorola, Symbol, Honeywell, Datalogics, and many others.
If your company is in Phoenix, AZ or surrounding area and you need any of the products or service we offer, we can go to you and pickup or deliver. No additional fee for pickup or delivery. Onsite service may be available for an additional fee depending on products and condition. Email us for further information